Glazed Apricot Chicken with Fresh Herbs



10 Tips for when cooking this dish

  1. Choose Quality Chicken: Use fresh, boneless, skinless chicken breasts for the best texture and flavor.
  2. Preheat the Oven: Ensure your oven is preheated to the right temperature before baking the chicken to cook it evenly.
  3. Sear First: Searing the chicken before baking helps lock in juices and adds a beautiful golden crust.
  4. Adjust Glaze Sweetness: Taste the apricot glaze and adjust the sweetness by adding a little more soy sauce or mustard if needed.
  5. Use Fresh Herbs: Fresh thyme and rosemary provide the best flavor. If unavailable, dried herbs can be used sparingly.
  6. Avoid Overcrowding: Ensure the chicken pieces are well-spaced in the skillet to cook evenly.
  7. Monitor Cooking Time: Check the chicken a few minutes before the recommended time to avoid overcooking.
  8. Rest Before Serving: Let the chicken rest for a few minutes after baking to allow the juices to redistribute.
  9. Enhance with Citrus: A squeeze of fresh lemon juice over the chicken before serving adds a zesty brightness.
  10. Pair Wisely: Serve with complementary sides like roasted vegetables or a light salad to balance the flavors.

Serve it with suggestions

  1. Roasted Vegetables: Serve with a medley of roasted carrots, zucchini, and bell peppers for a nutritious and colorful side.
  2. Rice Pilaf: A simple rice pilaf with herbs and toasted almonds complements the flavors of the apricot chicken.
  3. Mashed Potatoes: Creamy mashed potatoes provide a comforting, hearty base for the savory chicken.
  4. Green Salad: A fresh green salad with a light vinaigrette adds a refreshing contrast to the rich glaze.
  5. Couscous: Fluffy couscous with a hint of lemon and parsley is a great side that absorbs the delicious apricot glaze.


Q: Can I make Apricot Chicken ahead of time?
A: Yes, you can prepare the apricot glaze and marinate the chicken a day in advance. When ready to serve, sear and bake the chicken according to the recipe.

Q: Can I freeze Apricot Chicken?
A: Yes, you can freeze the cooked apricot chicken. Allow it to cool completely, then store in an airtight container in the freezer. Thaw in the refrigerator and reheat in the oven or microwave.

Q: Can I use chicken thighs instead of breasts?
A: Absolutely! Chicken thighs are more forgiving and remain juicy. Adjust the cooking time as thighs may take slightly longer to cook through.

Q: Is there a vegan alternative for this recipe?
A: Yes, you can use tofu or tempeh as a vegan alternative. Prepare and glaze them similarly, ensuring they are well-coated and baked to absorb the flavors.

Q: How do I make the glaze less sweet?
A: You can reduce the amount of apricot preserves or add more soy sauce and Dijon mustard to balance the sweetness.

Q: Can I grill the chicken instead of baking it?
A: Yes, you can grill the chicken. Sear it on high heat to create grill marks, then move to a lower heat and cover until cooked through.

Q: What can I substitute for apricot preserves?
A: You can use peach or mango preserves as a substitute, which will provide a similar sweet and tangy flavor.

Q: How do I prevent the glaze from burning?
A: If the glaze starts to burn, cover the skillet with foil and reduce the oven temperature slightly. Ensure the chicken is cooked through without burning the glaze.

Q: Can I add vegetables to the dish?
A: Yes, you can add vegetables like bell peppers, onions, or snap peas to the skillet before baking for a one-pan meal.

Q: How do I know when the chicken is done?
A: The chicken is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). Use a meat thermometer for accuracy.

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